You found a mysterious function f. The function takes two strings s1 and s2. These strings must consist only of lowercase English letters, and must be the same length.
The output of the function f is another string of the same length. The i-th character of the output is equal to the minimum of the i-th character of s1 and the i-th character of s2.
For example, f("ab", "ba") = "aa", and f("nzwzl", "zizez") = "niwel".
You found two strings x and y of the same length and consisting of only lowercase English letters. Find any string z such that f(x, z) = y, or print -1 if no such string z exists.
The first line of input contains the string x.
The second line of input contains the string y.
Both x and y consist only of lowercase English letters, x and y have same length and this length is between 1 and 100.
If there is no string z such that f(x, z) = y, print -1.
Otherwise, print a string z such that f(x, z) = y. If there are multiple possible answers, print any of them. The string z should be the same length as x and y and consist only of lowercase English letters.
ab aa
nzwzl niwel
ab ba
-1 题目大意:给你字符串x,y,看能不能找到z,使得f(x,z)=y;如果存在,输出任意一个z,如果不存在,输出-1。 方法:思维题,如果x[i]=y[i],那么y就是其中一个z,直接输出y就可以了! 代码:
#include#include using namespace std;string s1,s2;int main(){ cin>>s1>>s2; for(int i=0;i